Terrorism is a Business

              The inscription " Terrorism is a Business " is totally astonishing but rely on fact. Terrorism is the biggest problem of modern world. It had given severe loss to human kind. It is the thing due to which global peace is still a dream. But in reality, it is a method of increasing arms need by some world advanced countries and companies for their weapons business. Terrorism actually destabilises the peace of a country. It also decreases the economy of the country where it is taking place only. In order to  ensure and enforce peace, country fights against terrorism. This war against terrorism increases the requirements of weapons of that country. Terrorist groups also need arms in order to accomplish their rampant aggression. Both purchase weapons in great money benefiting the person and company from whom they are purchasing. In this way terrorism becomes a way of arm business.
             Remember if there will be peace in the world then there will be no need of weapons. If there will be no need of weapons then weapon producing companies and countries will face great loss. And no one will be able to express power upon one another. But unfortunately it is impossible because everyone try to rush for it's interest in this world. No one is ready to bear losses for global peace and equality. That's why global peace is still a dream and never can achieve the shape of reality.
                   Global arms trade is rising rapidly. Arms sales have been steadily increasing since 2002. Only the global arms trade of major weapons in 2016 was $31bn. In 2016, only ten countries account for 90 percent ($28bn) of the global arms trade. On the top of list was United States accounting $9.9bn, 2nd Russia $6.4bn, 3rd Germany $2.8bn, 4th France  $2.2bn, 5th China $2.1bn , 6th United Kingdom $1.4, 7th Isreal $1.3bn, 8th Italy $0.8bn, 9th South Korea  $0.5bn and last was Ukraine accounting $0.5bn of the global arms trade in 2016. This is the report of global arms trade of major weapons only. The total amount will be thrice if we conclude the trade of minor weapons and lower level arms deals. These weapons had snatched uncountable human's  lives and destroyed several cities.

                      In my opinion the greatest enemies of mankind are weapons (arms) and weapons (arms) producing companies. The more advance weapons mean more disaster. An atom bomb can destroy a whole city like destruction of Nagasaki and Eroshima cities. The more weapons production mean the danger of more lose of human lives. Arm production and it's trade is the most dangerous type of terrorism. In order to prevent precious human life's lose from the influence of this bloody business we must rise our voices against weapon production. All the human rights organizations as well as people of the world must take their part to end this bloody business of weapon and it's production to ensure peace and save precious human lives. In order to make aware of this issue spread the slogan;
             "" Stop weapon production
                 Save precious human's lifes ""



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